Dendritic Agate Heart

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It is time we emerge from the mists that keep us cloaked. We have stayed very safe there, but those old ways will no longer work in these ever-changing times. Growth and expansion is upon us, whether we like it or not, and soon we will move beyond choosing to stay small. This can be energetically challenging for us, as the beliefs and ideas we've leaned on for "identity" will be deteriorating. But remember that this growth is not just about you; this growth is for the good of all beings, for Mother Earth, and beyond. It is a step towards inner and outer harmony.

Throughout all of these growing pains and pleasures, lean on the gentle and expansive energy of Dendritic Agate. She knows these energies well, and will support you on your journey towards a reevaluated self. When life begins to feel like too much change is being demanded of you, she will inspire patience and strength, stabilizing your energies and offering her unconditional encouragement. Dendritic Agate reflects the wisdom of the plants. She wants you to reach higher than you ever have before – to reach for the sun, to extend – and receive all the nourishment you need to blossom into who you are becoming. She asks us to examine ourselves and where we place our value, she asks us to let go of this idea of "the way it should be," she asks us to remain open, to listen to the signs she will be sending us. And in return, she will offer us inner peace, harmony, awareness and support.

Origin: Madagascar
3.5” x 4” x 2”
1.14 lbs

All Mirror for the Moon crystals undergo a unique cleansing process which can include a deep soak in sea salt water, fresh herb & flower baths, sacred song, rinses in essential oil and flower essence blends, sunlight, and smudging. If you would like more information, please email

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