Fiery Flower Agate Dome

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This particular piece of Flower Agate is dense with Iron, amplifying the energies of passion, rebirth and vitality sometimes found within this mineral.

Flower Agate is a stone of celebration and joy. It is a stone that reminds us to reflect, and bask in wonder, of our own growth and our own blossoming. Flower Agate is the embodiment of celebrating our own wins, and how far we’ve come. Because of this beautiful offering of self reflection in a positive light, this stone encourages more self growth and offers us revitalized motivation towards our goals, and for life in general. This stone is recommended for anyone who’s lost sight of their beauty, their worth, and their own abilities and gifts. This stone would also be an amazing ally for those with new goals, or entrepreneurs.

Origin: Madagascar
4” x 3” x 1.5”

All Mirror for the Moon crystals undergo a unique cleansing process which can include a deep soak in sea salt water, fresh herb & flower baths, sacred song, rinses in essential oil and flower essence blends, sunlight, and smudging. If you would like more information, please email

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