Double Terminated Smoky Quartz with Sulphur Wand

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Sulphur in Quartz is a rare but beautiful combination that allows physically working with the crystal much easier than a pure Sulphur cluster. Because it is matrixed throughout Smoky Quartz, the two crystals play off and enhance one another’s energy.

Sulphur itself is a powerful Solar Plexus stone, allowing us to tap more deeply into our personal power and self responsibility. It is a mineral that opens us up more fully to our truths, our convictions and what we believe to be honorable. It also helps us release the need for self sabotage, moving us away from self destructive tendencies and into a more graceful, compassionate life - not just to ourselves, but to others as well. Sulphur teaches us that when we allow ourselves grace, we are also opening up a gateway for self discipline. Even though these two energies seem like they are on the opposite ends of the spectrum, they are actually symbiotic and support the evolution of one another. Sulphur helps us get to that next level of self mastery in every aspect of self growth, not just career or purpose, but in love, relationships, creativity, self esteem and more, as each thing feeds another. Sulphur also offers us balance, especially for those that lean into stubbornness or righteousness - again, this is the grace it offers. Higher elevated teachings remind us that yes, there can be a “right” way to do things, and a “wrong” way to do things - but there is also a third way. And this third way is what Sulphur embodies.

Smoky Quartz is our reliable DIvine Yang stone - full of protection and grounded energy but also ripe with integrity, loyalty and commitment. Smoky Quartz allows us to ground down into the truth of our desires - not our shallow desires but our soul desires, our highest self desires. These desires usually stem from a wish to see more goodness, truth and beauty in the world. And when we are in alignment with these desires, we open up to the potential of them much more easily, and we then create them in our life much more easily.

You can see how these two minerals play with one another so well. Both edging us towards our own greatness.

This stone is from Brazil. 

All Mirror for the Moon crystals undergo a unique cleansing process which can include a deep soak in sea salt water, fresh herb & flower baths, sacred song, rinses in essential oil and flower essence blends, sunlight, and smudging. If you would like more information, please email

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