Monthly Crystal Medicine - October // THE IN-BETWEEN

The energetic theme for October is “The In-Between”. This can me so many different things to so many different people so it’s important to dive deeper into what this means TO YOU. When we start going deeper into esoteric concepts, the receiver has such a huge part to play in their own experience + process. Relish your personal flavor of wisdom
When I say “the In-Between” what comes to mind? This month’s energetic theme is all encompassing and includes so much energy and intensity. When we are in the “in-between” we are in between moments and in between worlds. We are in between versions of ourselves. Parts of us are dying, and new life is eager to burst through. We are on the precipice of a great change. Transformation seems to beckoning us with the seasonal shifts. But before we enter into this new paradigm, we must first understand the medicine that lies in those moments just before.
Things may feel tight here. We may feel stagnant, stuck, unmotivated, afraid and confused. Maybe you’ve noticed an electricity in the air, maybe there’s been a sense of urgency or anxiety lingering in your heart whispering “change is coming”. These moments may feel uncomfortable but they are information for us. Instead of wallowing in the uncertainty, make space for release. Make space for tying up loose ends, for tidying up the space in which this newness will live. There IS joy to be found here.
This month is a blend of letting go and cleaning up. We will be burning away so much, and beautifying what’s left. We will be listening, and exploring the medicine that can be found in patience, in waiting, in getting things ready for what’s to come even if we are unsure of what that “something” is. This is a deep and profound month, and so much magic can be found within this energy of the in-between, so much of it is beyond language, and lies within the causal realm. So be patient, be receptive, be willing to listen when the messages come
Grid of: Onyx, Smoky Quartz Elestials, Transformation Quartz, Hematoid Quartz, Black Kyanite, Purple Dendritic Agate, Quartz with Iron Sulfide, K2, Amethyst Flowers, Quartz, Fuchsite Kyanite



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Monthly Crystal Magic // September