Spring Equinox Supermoon // Chrysocolla

An Equinox is a time for transition, transformation, and the beautiful grace we can uncover through change. The Northern Hemisphere is welcoming warmer, longer days. This is a time to plant our seeds of creation, nurture our dreams and passions, and watch them blossom into something larger than ourselves. For the Southern Hemisphere, the beauty and rejuvenation of longer and cozier nights is making it’s way.

No matter where you live, a shift is occurring. This is a time to practice our efforts of graceful transformation. Finding the joys in these changes are powerful tools for allowing ease to be a central cornerstone in our lives. For myself, and my fellow Northern Hemisphere dwellers, we may begin to feel the quickening of energy as the hints of spring and summer begin to stir within us. Use this energy to build something. Create. Use your hands. Watch something grow. Enjoy the magic that is being alive on this earth.

During these changing seasons, Chrysocolla is a wonderful ally to work with. She is a stone of graceful transformation, showing us the areas of our lives we tend to cling to, which may make change more challenging than it needs to be. She asks us to wring ourselves out and soak up with something new. And as we she our old skin, growing pains may show up for us. These growing pains are beautiful reminders that expansion is upon us. If you are feeling this way, ask for support - from your crystal allies, your family and friends, the unseen and seen, the earth. Chrysocolla offers us that groundedness we may be missing, and a beautiful, loving, grounded energy is what we need to release any anxieties we may be feeling. This grounded energy allows us to witness the magic held within the ebb and flow of life. This grounded energy allows us to use that magic to our advantage, to create with it, to receive, to nurture a dream into fruition. It is powerful medicine, especially when we are willing to receive it.

Happy Equinox! Enjoy.




Monthly Crystal Magic // September


January 16th New Moon in Capricorn // Black Amethyst